The job market is extremely competitive, which means you must do everything you can to stand out to potential employers. It takes more than just skill to attract a hiring manage or recruiter to look your way, it takes a great resume to attract their attention.
Over the years, the resume has evolved. What once started as a way to list accomplishments for others to view, has become the one document that can stand between you and your dream job. While there are many articles available today citing what you must include in your resume, it is important to understand what you should NOT include or what you must avoid.
Here are some of the most common resume mistakes you must avoid:
- Misinformation – most likely, you have your resume posted on several sites, including your LinkedIn page. Be careful that no matter where you have your resume posted, it is consistent and accurate. Most hiring managers today will research you online. Their first line of business is to see if you have any misinformation or discrepancies between your multiple profiles and resumes.
- Errors – just as important as misinformation, errors on your resume can immediately remove you from the pool of potentials. Your resume can help build some credibility for you, therefore, it is important that you proofread and make sure there are no errors listed. Spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, and even poor formatting can diminish your chances. If constructing the written word is not a strong point for you, then find someone who can help. This rule should be followed for both your written resume and online resumes.
- Objective Statement – if you are going to use a vague, general objective statement, then you are better off leaving that off your resume. Too many resumes contain generic, vague statements that do not say anything. Make sure that your objective is meaningful and really drives home the reason you decided to get involved in your particular industry and job position.
- Gaps – gaps on your resume can be career suicide. If you have gaps, no matter the reason, it is best to explain those gaps right there on your resume. Took time off to raise your family, list Household Manager as your job during that time. The point is to not leave a gap to the imagination of the reviewer. They will almost immediately jump to the wrong conclusion.
If you want to improve your chances of being chosen for jobs, you must avoid these resume mistakes. Take a look at your resume, no matter where you have it posted, and make sure you do not have any of these common mistakes.
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