How to Determine if They are the Right Hire
Many hiring managers will tell you that making the right hire is a science, a gift, or even impossible. However, there are ways which you can determine if the candidate you have chosen is in fact, the right hire. Here are a few of the signs you can look for as you determine whether they are the right hire for your company: As you interview job candidates, be mindful of the questions [...]
Job Search Failure Lessons
As you go through your job search, you may find that you have more failure at getting the job of your dreams than you like. What you must keep in mind - every job candidate has had job search failure at some point, the key is, did you learn any lessons from that failure? Here are a few of the key lessons learned during job search failure: The number one thing you [...]
Worst Hiring Process Mistakes
Are you a hiring manager that struggles to attract, hire, and retain good quality job candidates? If you answered yes, you are not alone. Many hiring managers scratch their heads, wondering if they are making too many hiring process mistakes. Perhaps you need to evaluate your process and make some changes, but where do you start? Here are a few of the worst hiring process mistakes you should avoid at all costs: [...]
Important Questions to Ask at End of Interview
At the end of every interview, job candidates consider what are the right questions to ask their interviewer. While every candidate has a list of different priorities, there are still important questions to ask at the end of the interview, which will provide you more insight into the company and the position. Make sure that you prepare your end of interview questions before arriving at the company. You should have several prepared, [...]
Preparing for New Interview Questions
It will not take you long to realize that the job search game has changed significantly over the last several years, and more changes are expected to come. One area that seems to be changed rapidly is the interview. It has gone from the face-to-face interview, to the phone interview, and now even live chat video. The biggest change are the interview questions being asked today. While some of the traditional questions [...]
Boost Employee Morale and Increase Candidate Attraction
Disengaged employees cost companies thousands of dollars every year, but what about what it is costing you regarding attracting good job candidates? Studies have indicated that many companies are simply not attracting the type of job candidates they want, because of the poor employee morale within the company. Just as you research a job candidate online, they are doing the same about your company. They are looking for information about your company [...]