Whether you are a leader right now in your profession, or you want to become a leader, there are several qualities that you must possess. When you recognize and emphasize these qualities, you will be on the path to becoming a great leader. A leader who is able to execute a dream into reality, a leader who can envision success, a leader that others will want to follow….
- Honesty – being a leader makes you responsible for others, usually a team of others who are looking to you. It is important that you conduct yourself ethically, and always remain honest. This is a key value that is lacking in so many leaders today, yet is the one trait that can set a truly great leader apart from the rest. Encourage your team and others to live up to the same standards you set for yourself.
- Delegate – trust is hard for many, but truly great leaders know when to delegate and have learned to trust their team members. Identify the strengths within your team and believe that they can rise to the challenge. This will have a profound impact on their productivity. Not only does this promote healthy team comradery, but it frees you up to do other leadership type tasks.
- Communicate – learning to communicate effectively is a skill all in itself. Practice the art of communication. You must be able to communicate your thoughts to your team members, so they can carry out the task. You must be able to communicate what has been done to other key leaders within your company, and more. Make it a point to become a create communicator, and also a listener!
- Commitment – your commitment to yourself, the company, and your team must show in everything you do. There is no greater motivation to your team than seeing you “down in the trenches” with them. Show you care and be a fair leader.
- Attitude – it is important that you always have a positive attitude. While we all know that it is a challenge to stay positive all the time, save the negative attitude for behind closed doors. A positive attitude is infectious and generally translates into higher productivity and a happier workplace.
- Inspire – as a leader it is your job to inspire others. Paint your vision so they can see and feel it too. When you can inspire your team – great things can happen.
Above all, being a great leader means you are approachable and some would say, humble. Yes, great leaders are hard- working and dedicated, but you cannot be a leader without followers.
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