Often, once a job candidate has been hired, the hiring manager losses track of the candidate. This can be one of the causes of high turnover rates, which makes it important, as the hiring manager, that you participate and perfect your onboarding process.
The onboarding process varies a great deal between companies, and even more so internally. While the basics of your onboarding process should be the same company wide, you should tweak your process based on the position. Here are some tips on perfecting your onboarding process:
- Your onboarding process should begin well in advance of the new hire’s first day. At least two weeks before the new hire begins, you should do the following:
- Based on the position and the personality of the new hire, you should pick an acceptable trainer. Make sure you speak with this trainer in advance so he or she will understand their duties and the goals.
- Place an order for any equipment or other essential items needed for the new hire to do their job.
- Create a job list and the expectations of the new hire for the first month. Make sure this is communicated to the trainer, as well as the new hire.
- A week before your new hire begins, is the time to make sure everything is in place for the first day. Here is what needs to be complete:
- Verify that all ordered equipment and supplies are in. Ensure the computer is set up with proper login credentials, etc. This also means making sure email addresses are created, key badges are created, etc.
- Speak with the trainer to verify the training schedule.
- Make sure all tools, training manuals, and other necessities are at the new hire’s workstation.
- The first day for a new hire can be intimidating. It is important that you make the first day comfortable and productive:
- Introduce the new hire to their trainer immediately, as they will be together for at least the next week.
- Make sure you have arranged a meet and greet, a lunch, or other gathering for the new hire to meet everyone.
- Take the time to go over expectations, the role of the trainer, and the goals expected.
Perfecting your onboarding process with these steps will make a new hire more comfortable. While you will continue checking in with them during their first week, month, and even 90 days, these first steps will go a long way in retention of your new hire.
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