Do you find you have trouble retaining your new hires? Businesses spend thousands of dollars every year on hiring, so wouldn’t you want to do everything possible to keep your new hire!
It is not an easy task to find the right employee – the perfect fit for your company – the right mix of skills – the perfect personality to fit the culture…. Yet, every day there are new hires that regret taking their new position. New employees are typically excited about starting their new job with you, however, many employers fall short in making sure that their new employees fit in and feel welcome. This is the number one reason why so many new hires leave within their first 30 days of hire.
Your employees are a valuable asset to your company. When you put time and effort into that asset, you will receive the results you wish – retention, happy employees, and new hires staying for the long haul. Here are a few things you can do for your new hires to ensure they are happy and stay:
- Workstations – make sure that your new hires have their workstations completely set up and ready to go when they walk in. Nothing is more frustrating to a new hire than walking in and having to wait for the IT department to set up a computer, or give them a login. Ensure that your new hire has all of the necessary tools to complete their job!
- Welcome – starting a new position is tough and is often filled with lots of stress for a new hire. The first few days, even the first week, can be challenging. Make the first week easier on your new hire, by breaking up their day. If you do training, break it up by implementing some other activities to give them a break from the dry training. Allow them to meet others by hosting an office lunch.
- Goals – take the time to explain the company goals to your new hire. Explain how they fit into making those goals reality. While you may have touched on these during your interview process, more in depth conversations about it now, will help the new hire understand their role and make them feel part of the team faster.
- Policies, Procedures, and Paperwork – the three P’s can be overwhelming for new hires. It is best to break up this information over the first couple of weeks. While it is important to get this information to the hire as soon as possible, it can sometimes come across as the company is too rigid for them. Proper explanation of the three P’s will go a long way.
While these tips may seem simple and common place, you may be surprised at how your new hires react when you actually follow through on these suggestions. Your new hire is expecting you to provide them with a safe, challenging work environment that is enjoyable. Now you can deliver!
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