Client :
With over 25 reputable brands in the markets of over 150 countries, this client is truly the world leader in what they produce.
Background :
This client runs uncontested as the number one brand in many of their business segments. They have a long history of growth in the niches of cookware, housewares, and small appliances. In order to maintain this excellence, they require a consistent influx of quality hires across their four North American business units.
Between 1997 and 2013, through the tenure of two separate heads of Human Resources and three Presidents, Genesis Search Group has filled over 60 key openings. This includes 36 Marketing roles across all fields of marketing and 27 Sales positions ranging from Account Executive to Vice President of Sales.
Solution :
This client continues to partner with Genesis Search Group for all crucial hires at the mid-management level upwards. Genesis Search Group has implemented our extensive process used in delivering Sales and Marketing talent and applied it across all functions of this organization. Numerous hires made by Genesis Search Group have gone on to receive multiple promotions within the organization and some have even surpassed the individuals tasked with hiring them.
The services of Genesis Search Group have resulted in increased revenues in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Copyright: venusangel / 123RF Stock Photo