Over 90% of hiring managers and recruiters agree that a job description and job ad is the most important element in the hiring process. A well written job posting can attract higher quality candidates, offer a larger selection of candidates, shorten the job search cycle, lower your hiring costs, and contribute to employee retention rates.
Recent studies have shown that on average, businesses spend more than $650 million in rewriting job descriptions and ads, with more than 50% of businesses rewriting job descriptions multiple times. Writing can be tough; however, it is money wasted if not done properly. Here are the components you must have:
- Job Title – Be creative with your job title. Many job ads and descriptions get passed over because they have the same boring title as so many others. Write down the responsibilities or duties of the job, keywords that describe the position, and then create a title that accurately reflects the position.
- Location – Because a work life balance is so important to job candidates today, you must include in your job description the location of the job. If the position includes or can include some work-from-home time, be sure to include that. Candidates want to make a choice on how long they commute.
- Job Summary – Be sure to include a well-written job summary. This is most read part of the job description and often will determine if a candidate will apply. Be clear about the job responsibilities, goals, and qualifications.
- Job Responsibilities – Do not list every job responsibility imaginable in the job description. This is one of the biggest mistakes done by those writing the job description. Instead, list only the core components of the position in a bulleted format.
- Skills and Qualifications – similar to listing the job responsibilities, create a list of the core skills needed or required for the position. You should list them in order of importance, so candidates will know the ones listed at the top of most important to the position.
- Company Information – be sure that you include a short snippet about the company, and include your social media outlets. This is inviting to job candidates and allows them to learn more about the company before applying.
The last piece of information on your job description or job ad should be clear instructions for the job candidate on how they can apply for the position. Following this format for your job ads and descriptions will streamline your hiring process.
Copyright: tashatuvango / 123RF Stock Photo