Every hiring manager wants to hire the best talent possible for their company and open positions, yet many struggle with knowing and understanding what to look for in top tier talent. Do you have a definition of what the “best” talent is for your company? Below are a few traits of top tier talent – are they things you look for in your candidates?
- Big Picture – top talent always is looking at the big picture. They often ask questions, such as what are we trying to achieve, or what process must we use to achieve the goal. They use this information to complete the task.
- Research – top tier talent is often considered the “go-to” person for a variety of projects. This is because they take the time to research and understand the business and the end goal, before reacting.
- Representation – when you ask a candidate what sets them apart from the rest, a top talent candidate will often say their work separates them. Since they hold themselves in high standards, their work typically will reflect.
- Hard Working – these types of candidates and employees never shy away from work. They often go above and beyond to reach the end goal. The accept responsibility and can be entrusted with any project.
- Trustworthy – top tier talent is often very trustworthy and keep their word. They often deliver on their commitment early, and always make sure all concerns are dealt with appropriately.
- Teaching – top talent is not only considered to be teachers and mentors for others, but they often take part in self-improvement. They want everyone around them to succeed and are happy to share their knowledge.
As you can see, top tier talent is often set apart from the rest of the job candidates, because they want to make a difference in their industry. They are typically very positive and are great finds. While there may be many different traits, skills, and qualities you will search for in top talent, some of the traits listed here can help you determine if they are worthy of the title – top talent.
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